Thursday, November 19, 2015


After Pastor Todd’s sermon on Stewardship, I decided to write one more blog on the subject.

Since I am a major nerd, Lord of the Rings is one of my favorite movie series of all time. In the third movie, Return of the King, Gandalf the wizard goes to the city of Gondor to warn them that the evil army is heading their way and to convince them to call on the neighboring realm of Rohan for help. Gondor is currently being run by a Steward who is not a very nice guy and ultimately decides to stubbornly not call for help. So every time the sermon said something about being a “steward”, I thought about this movie. The Steward in the movie is the ultimate example of what not to do. He was resistant to help and to admit that he was not the true King. In a heated discussion, Gandalf says to the Steward “Authority is not given to you to deny the return of the king, Steward.” To which the steward replies “Rule of Gondor is mine! And no others!” He is clearly in denial and it ends up leading to his demise

“So Kendra”, you ask, “what on earth does this have to do with anything?” Well I’m glad you asked. God has made us stewards of the world around us. Though we may not see it, we have a great impact on the people and world around us. If we are resistant to our responsibilities and try to do things our own way, we will not be granted success. We have to realize that we are only a place holder, a representative of the one true King. Problems arise in our lives when we forget who is really in charge. The Steward in the movie was so blinded by his “power” and fear of that power being taken away that he was unable to listen to any wise council. We as stewards need to realize that we do have power but that that power is God given and has nothing to do with ourselves.

So! This week, let’s look at how we are doing as stewards. Are we acknowledging God’s authority in our lives or have we decided that we are the ones in charge? Are we being effective stewards or representatives of the Lord? Take time to evaluate this week. And thank you for sticking with me through this super geeky blog! If you want to watch the clip I was referring to, here is the link!