Thursday, October 22, 2015

The Body of Christ: Part 2

Since writing about what it means to be part of the Body of Christ last week, I have had some more thoughts on the subject. Mainly, being a part of the Body is not a passive experience. It's not “you’re saved, now sit back and enjoy the ride. No, we are called to do a job and that job is to both foster relationships within the church and spread God’s message outside of the church Two songs come to mind when I think about this subject. One is by the band Casting Crowns called “If We Are the Body” and the other is by the band Petra called “Rose Colored Stained Glass Windows.” Some of you might not know you Petra is, but they are amazing. They are 80’s and rock and wonderful. There are links to both of these songs below, so give them a listen before you continue reading.

Both of these songs touch on an important subject: We cannot ignore what is going on in the world outside of our church walls. There are people out there hurting and in need of Christ and we might be their only avenue to finding Him. We cannot allow ourselves to get so wrapped up in our own groups and social circles that we “never allow the world to come in” as Petra says. God put us here to be “ the light of the world,” to be “disciples to every nation.”

So, should we be focused on becoming a close and unified community of believers? Absolutely! But we cannot forget that, being the Body, we have two goals: Inside and Outside the church. How can you focus on your work outside the Body this week?

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