Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Spiritual Gifts

You are gifted! Its true! God said so! This might be hard for some of us to believe as we live day to day. How am I gifted? I just have a boring office job. I cant throw a football for yards for a touchdown or create a fabulous meal like on Master Chef or sing well enough to win American Idol or The Voice. How am I gifted?
Well, God does not promise you a gift or talent that will sky rocket you to stardom but he does say that everyone is given a gift by the Spirit. In verse 11 of 1 Corinthians 12, Paul says All these (gifts) are empowered by one and the same spirit, who apportions to each one individually as he wills.God knows you better than anyone. He knows which gift is best suited for you. Some examples from the Bible are gifts of healing, miracle working, prophecy, and speaking in tongues. These are gifts that are not famousby the world standards, but when they manifest themselves it is an opportunity to communicate with God and see Him literally reach down to earth and into our lives.
What is your spiritual gift? Have you ever thought about it? Or have you rather thought Well that person is a gifted pray-er and that person has the gift of healing but Im just a normalChristian. Wrong! You have a gift! The Holy Spirit gave it to you personally so you could use it to draw people to Him. Spend some time in prayer and talk with those people around you who know you best. Ask the Lord to show you your spiritual gift so you can use it for His glory.

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